Fruit farming

Strong in our experience in ornamental nursery, we decided to expand our range of products to include fruit cultivation.

Designed to be naturally high-performing, the new anti-spyralization and draining models in our range represent our passion for innovation and our commitment to quality.

Our company strategically cooperate with expert agronomists, international consultants, research hubs and leading universities. A network of experts to face our customers’ agronomic challenges, by bringing innovative solutions with unprecedented value to the market.



Innovative raspberry cultivation.



Innovative raspberry cultivation.

The Rubus Pot is a step forward in raspberry cultivation, obtained through a careful design and experimentation. Designed by Pasquini & Bini, with the help of expert agronomists, after a market survey and extensive studies on the existing pots commonly used to cultivate raspberries, this innovative pot has been conceived to face all the issues that arise when producing this red fruit, to ensure a higher fruit yield.


A prototype experimentation phase was implemented to test the project’s effectiveness, in partnership with DiSAAA-a (University of Pisa) and the company Molari Società Agricola di Cesena (Forlì-Cesena). Through this synergy, we were able to carefully monitor the plants and their fruits.


Square shape and 7-litre capacity, raised from the ground (available also in the new Infinity) sustainable and plant stimulating line.


The Easy Star raspberry plants, transplanted on 20 March 2024, have shown exceptional growth during the harvesting period, from 19 July to 20 August 2024. Production in the prototype pot exceeded that achieved in traditional 7-liter square pots, with a 25% increase and double yield compared to black round 7 liters nursery pot and to square 5 liters pot.

A detailed analysis has shown significant improvements compared to the 7-liters pots used for comparison:

In particular, compared to 7-liters round pots, Rubus showed:


Thanks to the Rubus pot’s superior performance, the plants had the best root healthiness index compared to all the pots used for comparison, and ensured high-quality fruits. None of the parameters analysed was statistically lower. The significant increase in dry matter is essential for the fruit’s storage and organoleptic characteristics. These results show the project’s effectiveness and the great potential of the Rubus Pot in the raspberry cultivation sector.

Further advantages can be reached by using the pot in the innovative Infinity Line version, which, compared to the standard black polyethylene and polypropylene version, has shown a 17.3% increase in antioxidants, a 24.3% increase in flavonoids, a 24.1% increase in potassium, and a 7.5% increase in the magnesium content in the dry matter.


Wall design with internal ribbing to prevent the roots anti- spyralization and promote the correct development of the entire root system.

Central portion of the bottom placed at 5 cm from the ground and sloped, to prevent stagnating water in the innermost part of the root system.

Thick and durable 3 cm high feet, to prevent sinking into the ground, completely closed and with no substrate content: they ensure a total optimal isolation of the roots and prevent the diffusion of fungal diseases, because of optimal drainig.


Completely perforated bottom (over 25% more open surface compared to the most widespread standard square containers for raspberries), for greater ventilation and improved drainage. Slots also on the lower side rim, to further increase the draining and ventilation area.