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Cuándo 03 / 05 mayo 2023
Dónde está Rimini (Italy)

For the First year, Pasquini&Bini will be present at MACFRUT. The 2023 symbolic fruit will be the Blueberry, the absolute leading character of a unique event at European level which will be held in Rimini from 3rd to 5th May: the International Blueberry days. The most important technical- scientific experts as well as the main global players will be present.

The numerous schedule activities will be coordinated by the Polytecnic University of the Marche’s Professor Bruno Mezzetti together with Thomas Drahorad of NCX Drahorad.

Internally at the exhibition, an indoor demonstration plant will be set up in order to show the cultivation of the blueberries through all its phases and components : plants, substrates, anti-mulch covers and, of course, the DRACO, ERACLE and SUPER ERACLE pots by Pasquini&Bini for creating cultivations based on quality and sustainability.