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Wann 08 / 10 Mai 2024
Wo ist es Rimini - Expo Centre

We are glad to inform you that also this year our company will participate in Macfrut 2024. We will be present with our products dedicated to the cultivation of red fruits and blueberries, in particular with Super Eracle and Eracle and the pots of the Infinity line.

On Wednesday 8 May, at 10 a.m. in Sala Ravezzi 1, a convention open to everyone will be held under the title ‚INFINITY: innovation and sustainability in a growing pot‘, organized together with its partners Tetrapak, Lucart and the University of Pisa.

We look forward to seeing you on 8-9-10 May in Rimini – Expo Centre, at HALL A1 – BOOTH 105.