The City‘ Scape International Symposium will be held on 6 and 7 July 2023 in the Hall of Honor of the Palazzo della Triennale in Milan. It is an important appointment that PAYSAGE, with the International Landscape Architecture Review TOPSCAPE, organizes in collaboration with CNAPPC – National Council of Architects, Planners and Landscapers.
The event – which will also see the presence of Pasquini & Bini – was created with the aim of promoting Landscape Architecture in the various fields of design, with a focus on future scenarios of the urban landscape. The insights will be useful tools to encourage new reflections on projects able to respond to the current needs of the human being. Through new balances and synergies, research aims to combine architecture and nature with a view to making cities increasingly sustainable.
Every day, academics and scientists remind us that, in the absence of a strategy and without targeted interventions, our cities will become hellish places in the coming years; we will therefore have to start rethinking green spaces as functional places to combat climate change.
Air pollution and rising temperatures are serious threats to the quality of urban life. Increasing green areas, as well as providing new places accessible to the whole community, would greatly help improve air quality and our lives. Cities will have to be even more green; they should be covered with trees in order to mitigate the effects of climate-altering gases. Plants are the real protagonists of this new scenario, the only ones able to save us since they are climate regulators thanks to their ability to store and assimilate CO2. Our climate is changing at an unprecedented speed and numerous studies show that the most effective way to mitigate the impact of climate change is determined by the planting of trees and the consequent reduction of „urban heat islands“. A few trees are already able to significantly lower the temperature by 4 – 5 degrees and improve the quality of the air. Plants have an aesthetic role of great value; they create beauty and have a positive effect on our psychophysical well-being by reducing the level of stress. Public green areas also become an indispensable element for improving social cohesion and recreating sociability among individuals.
Pasquini & Bini, which has always been involved in the design and construction of pots for nursery production and for the optimization of soilless cultivation, will participate in the Symposium with a display of pots intended for urban furniture. Even today, throughout Europe, there are many cities and villages conceived in the Middle Ages that did not include green areas within the urban perimeter. In these cities it is becoming increasingly difficult to find spaces to dedicate to vegetation. Here, with large, light, resistant, durable, and easily movable pots, it is possible to create green corners in completely shady spaces with waterproof floors. These spaces are not only able to beautify and break the monotony among the streets and peripheral or neglected areas, but also to create small natural areas in totally urban environments. Spaces designed to guarantee the free and safe flow of people in case of events or, in everyday life, in areas closed to vehicle traffic.
With our pots we can help make the urban environment more pleasant in harmony with nature by observing the principles of sustainability.